Tips for a Good Hair Regimen

Transitioning from chemically treated hair to natural hair can be somewhat challenging to someone who has not learnt their natural hair for quite some time. Most know that the transition is necessary, but cannot move past that thought.

The first step to successfully transitioning to natural hair is establishing a regimen. It will consist of the positive things that are done to the hair to promote health and most times growth. Regimens work differently for each person and it is necessary to find out what works best for your specific head of hair.

The basics of a regimen consists of these 5 steps: Cleanse, Condition, Detangle, Moisturize and Protect.

1. Cleanse:      

      a. Co-wash - cleansing the hair using a moisturizing conditioner

      b. Shampoo - cleansing the traditional way using a shampoo

2. Condition - use a leave in conditioner or wash out conditioner

3. Detangle - this step can be done in the cleansing phase if using the co-wash         method, else you can use a detangler or leave in conditioner to help with             detangling. Always use a wide tooth comb or a detangling brush to help               with detangling.

4.  Moisturize - this is a very important step of the hair regimen. Using the LOC         (liquid, oil and cream) or the LCO (liquid, cream, oil) will help the hair retain         moisture and stay hydrated. A great moisturizer with nourishing ingredients         that will replenish the moisture lost in the cleansing phase.

5. Protect - keep the ends of the hair tucked in and away from anything that                could be harmful and cause damage. Braiding, two-strand twists, cornrows          are all part of protective styling to protect the hair ends.

All these steps are necessary for all hair types, across all hair textures. Knowing your hair type will help with know what type of products work with your hair type, what cycle (bi-weekly, monthly) works with your hair type and what moisturizing method would work better. We can help you learn more about hair types and how to identify them to best work with your hair, click here.